Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let America be America Again

       Let America be America again was written in 1938 by Langston Hughes on the American dream.
 Hughes is saying that there are many people that come to America with hopes and dreams and get let down. The poem depicts two different perspectives of America, being the rich and the poor. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer. There is a difference between their economic disparity and there is not equal opportunities. He references to the white poor man and the negro slave and how America has become a Dog eat Dog world where the mighty crush the weak. He says we have this America where there are people in power that deprive others of their opportunities. He says " There's never been equality for him, Nor freedom in this homeland of the free. He hopes for an America that is free. He wants a patriotic America without false promises. He wants what America's idea of the dream is equality, liberty, and land of the free.The poem is in an angry and resentful tone, but there is also a sense of hopefullness. Throughout the poem people are unhappy with what America has brought them but they still dream, wish, and hope for more. I think Hughes is criticizing how the American Dream did not exist for the some people in the American society such as minorities due to race, religion, and status. He  criticizes that the hope for equality and freedom has yet to be achieved, and how it will be extremely hard to achieve. Fitzgerald criticizes the American Dream in that it is slowly fading away and becoming out of reach of the common citizen. Similar to Langston Hughes, they are both showing how the American Dream being full of economic stability, freedom, and equal opportunities may becoming an unachievable hope to the working class and other minorities. And that America has this potential that it needs to be and that it can be but might not be. I agree with these criticisms, because in the modern world the dream is slipping away. And although it is true that everyone's american dream is different it is primarily based upon the same things, but everyone can't get everything and the American Dream is probably something we can still get if we work towards it ,but otherwise I think it's a pretty far-fetched dream/hope where America cannot live up to it's potential.

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