Thursday, January 12, 2012

The American Dream

       I don't know if this counts but i found a nice little article in a newspaper by Judy Loy from Pennsylvania state college. She gets her information from from the New York Times, the Economist, and CNN as well as the Los Angeles Times and many other census and polls. When I read her article I liked it a lot because of the way she interprets " the American Dream" and how she defines what the American Dream is.
      In her article she talks about what the american dream is. The American Dream defined by the Economist is the dream of economic opportunity and upward mobility in a 2006 article. But she defines it as if you work hard, you'll get ahead. In the Los angeles Times it is described as the ongoing belief that the next generation will be better off than the one before. In the same Los Angeles Times article there is a poll that shows only about half of Americans still believe in the American Dream, adding to her question and the title of her article " Is The American Dream Dead or just taking a Nap".
      So this question of whether the American Dream is no longer a reality is something we face today. Due to the Census Bureau we learn that over the last decade the median household income has dropped 7%. Meaning that there is the same number of households that make more than the median as those who make less. Although the main issue affecting the mindset is inequality of income.

      A 2011 study by The Pew Charitable Trusts reveals that 1/3 of americans raised in middle class ( defined by income) fall out of middle class as adults primarily due to marital status, education, and drug use. She believes and concludes that in order for americans to acheive the American Dream and the next generation to succeed and or at least maintain middle class we have to set our children up to succeed. They can only succeed if we provide the next generation with a good educational foundation and opportunities for higher education, we have to teach them the dangers of drugs, and set up positive relationships. And to her this is the only way to save and maintain the American Dream. She believes that the dream isn't dead its just damaged.

        I wrote about her article because I agreed with a lot of it. Specifically when she explains what needs to be done to keep the dream alive starting with the youth. I believe that because of our economic despairity we have lost hope in this idea of the American Dream, but I also believe that much like she said, if we prepare generations to come the American Dream can survive.

       Relating it to Gatsby is the hard part. I think that the American Dream as described in this article relates to Gatby indirectly because although the book was set in a time period much different than today there was still this idea of what the american dream was. Which primarily was built of off money, because from money comes good education, and better opportunities. Gatsby because he inherited money but said that he lost it all and that it took him three years to be able to buy his amazing house. Through hard work he got ahead and is able to live a lavious, happy lifestyle according to this article. That's how this idea of what the American Dream is relates to Gatsby but I don't think that may be Gatsby's idea of the American Dream.

1 comment:

  1. If that is not Gastby's idea of the American Dream, then what is his idea of it? I like how the articles you found made a good relation to young people and the American Dream. It is really sad that the Middle Class has a chance to suceed yet the things we do hold us back from our dreams.
