Monday, December 12, 2011

A Direction the class needs to go in

         First off english is my favorite subject. I don't even know why, it's crazy because I never have anything favorite. In case you didn't know I'm very indecisive and I can hardly ever pick my outfit out every morning. Thats the amazing part about it. I think what began my interests in english was the 7th grade. Before I was already good at english but in 7th grade my entire perspective changed. My teacher was AMAZING! I loved her sooooooo much. She taught english in a way that made everything seem so fun and interesting yet we learned so much at the same time.  And she was funny, she had me rolling on the floor laughing everyday. Yup so thats her my amazing funny 7th grade teacher that sparked my love for the subject of english.
         Besides all my love for english the class is just amazing alone. With Sohrob, Kirkland, Giana, Charlotte " my dog" lol etc. our class in my opinion is perfectly fine and needs no adjusting. In a way I look forward to coming to this class everyday and it always lives up to my expectations. If there was one thing I would have to change though is ........................ Ummmmmmm I wonder..................... NOTHING!!!! That's just how I feel about the class and that's where I am right now. If ever anything changes drastically I will notify you but I seriously doubt that and with that being said I think I will be satisfied with my 5th period english II class forever. O wait I do have something to request, if possible you could get this same exact class next year. I mean every single person stayed the same. I don't really think you could pull that off but if you could o if you could I would be soooooo happy and exciting and you might just become one of my favorite teachers.
                And I forgot to mention that I want to be a teacher and I remember a comment you said about how when you were a child you would've wished for your class to be structured how you teach now, and maybe that provides me with insight on how I would structure my class if ever I became a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Im pretty happy I got to be included on that list...but I do agree, I really like how our English class is set up.
