Friday, September 9, 2011

      Hmmmmmm..... to began my blog I guess I have to introduce myself so my name is Katrina (like the hurricane) , that seems to help people remember my name better, and I have no problem with referencing such a terrible event to my name. I've never had a blog or even thought of having one but I guess I will start having to get used to it. My older brother has one and is familar with it so if  I ever need help I'll probably just ask him. I am kind of excited to have a blog now because it's basically writing down all of your thoughts, facts and or emotions on a particular topic. There are no right or wrong answers to a blog it's all so opinionated, which I like because you can express yourself.        I really enjoy to play basketball it is my life besides education of course! I started playing basketball when i was in 5th grade i wasn't skilled at all back then but now i am much more improved. I don't know what compelled me to began playing sports because before I was a cheerleader. First I was cheering at the games now I'm in the games. I know thats a BIG turn around!!!!! Education is really important to me because I want to maybe become a teacher someday. I'd want to teach at an elementary level I'm not sure what subject yet. Most of my time is filled by playing basketball and school but besides doing that I like to listen to music or get on facebook and twitter :-) haha. I'm really open to all music because a good song is a good song despite what genre of music it is. If any really knows me they know that I don't really have a favorite of anything. There are things that I strongly like or mutiple things I like, but I'm very indecisive and its hard for me to choose between things.
      I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister so I would consider myself a middle child. I'm closest to my brother the other middle child probably because we are kind of close in age and we are complete opposites. They do say opposites attract.My family is quite funny and really know how to enjoy themselves maybe that is where I get my outgoing bubbly personality from. My mother somewhat collects movies of all kinds so I sometimes occupy my free time watching millions of movies from horror to action to comedy.
      Although I may not have favorites I assumed it is appropriate to include your favorite things in a introduction of yourself so I will attempt. My favorite colors are orange and selective pinks. My favorite book is to kill a mockingbird although I never got a chance to finish reading it entirely. My favorite year of school would have to be 8th grade so far seeing as though I'm only a freshman, but besides that I think Ion't have to many other favorites.
      I think this blog entry was a really good way to introduce ourselves to the teacher  and our classmates and I think I did a pretty good job explaining myself in a nutshell. One thing I forgot is that I really like using exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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